
Partner number: P1
Roles in the project: IHU has all the necessary experience needed along with long established mechanisms to tackle all coordination issues. Therefore, IHU will control of all activities, especially leader of WP1 and WP7.
- Have full responsibility for ensuring that the action is implemented in accordance with the programme guide and Grant Agreement;
- Be the intermediary for all communication between the partners and the Agency.
- Be responsible for supplying all documents and information to the Agency, which may be required under the Agreement, in particular in relation to the requests for payment.
- Request and receive, on behalf of the partners, all payments made by the Agency to the bank account as referred in the Grant Agreement and distribute the EU grant between partners
- Be responsible, in the event of audits, checks or evaluations, as described in the programme guide and Grant Agreement.
- Host the first meetings.
- Supervise development of comparative analysis of EU and UZ curricula and teaching practice.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P2
Roles in the project: SEERC’s role in the project consists of :
• Overall management of WP5 (Quality assurance) and of handling the quality monitoring process
• Contribution to curriculum development & preparation (mutual learning)
• Training & mentoring for academic staff
• Dissemination
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P3
Roles in the project: Role of our organization is leader of WP2. Given wide international expertise of VGTU in fields of electronics, computer engineering, systems engineering and mechatronics, VGTU will be directly involved in all project activities. As important consortium member HEI, VGTU will have prearranged significant role to lead WP2, the establishment of specialised laboratories. Besides, VGTU will directly assist the project coordinator, in all phases of the project and has a significant contribution to the organisation of the first Project Meeting, which will be the first face-to-face meeting of all partners and promotes team-building for their future collaboration. As per WP2, VGTU will assist the assigned work package leader, along with EU partner institutions. It will also have an essential overall contribution to the training activities in WP2 and as well as to successful completion of the overall project activities.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P4
Roles in the project: The experience of Liepaja University will be very useful for the project as well as the contacts of the large company. The main role of the Liepaja University will be sharing experience and organizing possible ways to send students for internships across the Europe. Moreover, Liepaja University is the coordinator of another project RUECVET dealing with piloting of ECVET in Russia and Uzbekistan. Liepaja University will lead WP3, in collaboration with partners. They will be responsible for the development of new courses for teachers and lectures in all participating HEIs of Uzbekistan. Given their expertise and skills set, above mentioned project partners collaborate closely with Quality Team (QT) and project leader LIEPU to ensure quality and mutual understanding of tasks among partner Institutions. LIEPU will also take part in all project development phases sharing its international competences and experiences in the field of educational programs, research activities, communication and dissemination.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P5
Roles in the project: Within the project, ViA can provide support as to training of professionals in the field of mechatronics. After obtaining of qualification they would be able to work in the sectors that deal with mechanism control via electronic and computer devices. Theoretical and practical knowledge of graduates, as well as their skills and attitudes would comply with the needs of contemporary labor market and they would be able to undertake and perform respective job duties. Methods applied in the Mechatronics study programme are modern and are widely used for information technologies. ViA can advise on study material development in e-environment. Cooperation will give students the possibility to visit laboratories of ViA and perform various experiments, related to such fields as electronics, electric drive, automation, programmable logic controllers, etc.. By joining the project, ViA wishes to strengthen bachelor study programme in Mechatronics.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P6
Roles in the project: The Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute has huge experience in managing and participating in international projects, creating the innovation and knowledge transfer and achieved quality in all aspects of higher education. Because IPVC is greatly experienced, it will lead the WP6 in collaboration with partners to create the web-site and develop the normative, legal documents, publishing the results of the project. IPVC has also significant role in the organisation of the fourth meeting in Portugal and Training Seminars in along with the assigned Quality Team members and the project coordinator.
Official web-site of the partner:
Loyiha veb sahifasi:

Partner number: P7
Roles in the project: Partners of Uzbekistan and other member organisations realize the fact that the market and education should be common worldwide in order to enhance the mobility between citizens. Because, AndMI has long-term established relationships with EU HEIs and has predominant experience in curriculum and teaching material development, it has been assigned as the National coordinator in the frame of MechaUz project. Therefore, AndMI will be the primary point of contact for EU HEIs and will be a priceless asset in all work packages and leader of WP4 from UZB for developing the labs, centres and society. As part of the project development team, AndMI has a prearranged significant role in project implementation and coordination. Besides, AndMI cooperates and works closely with ATEITH project administrative staff in the Management sphere. Moreover, AndMI has substantial local knowledge and fully aware of the situation in the higher education system of the country.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P8
Roles in the project: Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is one of the few HEIs of Uzbekistan integrating EU and Uzbek Education systems and thus has been selected as a leader in WP1 with IHU. Along with other partners TTPU can assist to all project work packages accordingly. TTPU will take part in the implementation of WP1 and will contribute to the preparation of reports and analysis of the project results. Considering the combined status of TTPU being Uzbek University with European structure, TTPU will work on sharing the knowledge and experiences obtained during the realization of the project in order to promote the project approaches and dissemination of the project results in Uzbekistan. Using the available premises, TTPU can organize host seminars and workshops for project goals implementation in the second meeting.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P9
Roles in the project: Fergana Polytechnic Institute has a long history of cooperation with EU universities and is familiar with current educational situation in Central Asia. Therefore, it will have substantial role in WP1 and WP3 of this project. Especially, FPI will assist the project partners in analysis and comparison of teaching system and condition in the field of Mechatronics in WP1. FPI will also assist the project partners in developing new standards and curricular based on EU HEI’s skills to train teachers in the field of Mechatronics. Besides, FPI will directly control all activities in WP6 as to be leader from Uzbekistan, in organisation of project training in Uzbekistan. It will also participate in all project meetings and provide assistance in the development of project guidelines and follows them. In addition, FPI will actively participate in project dissemination and help to ensure quality throughout the project.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P10
Roles in the project: At the level of international standards on training highly qualified specialists in the field of ICT Tashkent University of Information Technology is a dominating HEI in Uzbekistan. On the other hand, TUIT will contribute to the accreditation and approval of the developed and modernised normative and legal documents in the field of Mechatronics in WP6. Besides, TUIT will assign a quality manager to assist the established quality team throughout the project and participate in the organisation of the fifth project meeting in Uzbekistan as a host institution along with the national project coordinator.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Roles in the project: KEII is the partner HEI involved in this project through representative branch of Tashkent State Technical University and Karshi Agrarian-Economic Institute. It has great experience in international project development and management from continuous participation in Tempus projects. Taking previous experience and skills set into account, KEEI will have significant responsibility to assist VGTU in WP2 and could make tremendous contribution to project quality plan and control activities. Having extensive experience in training and development of new courses and unique regional knowledge, KEII will be actively involved in all WPs, especially in WP1 and WP4 to conduct research and need analysis in its respective region.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Roles in the project: Building on its experience in international projects, TSTU will assist in coordination of involved institutions and help the national coordinator, AndMI, in all project management activities. TSTU will be involved in all project meetings and could contribute to all WPs. TSTU will be leader developing a new scheme of cooperation and program in colloboration with VGTU. Assisting the national coordinator during the execution and dissemination stages of the project in its respective region will be one of the major tasks of TSTU. Thus, TSTU could make strategic impact to successful organization and implementation of the undertaken project. Besides, TSTU will assist the work package leader, and has enormous impact in accreditation and approval of the modernised and developed programs in WP6.
Official web-site of the partner:
Project web page:

Partner number: P13
Roles in the project: Ministry of Higher and Secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan will have a responsible role in the project. It will encourage the introduction of Mechatronics curriculum not only in the Uzbek project partner universities, but also in the rest of the universities in the country. They will take an active part in the development of the following WPs:
WP6: Active participation in the dissemination of project results on the territory of Uzbekistan. Contributing to extending project impact and sustainability.
WP7: Participation in project meetings and sharing the opinion of the ministry on the discussed topics. Participation in the final dissemination conference.
Official web-site of the partner: