Work Package 4: Establishment of I-LABs, Training Centre and Society
Description: Laboratories are equipped with specialized equipment for training students, teachers and specialists at all HEIs in Uzbekistan. The lab equipment will be selected based on the outcomes of conducted need analysis of industrial enterprises and as well as respective HEIs. Therefore, the list of necessary equipment, software and devices will be prepared, reviewed and approved by the beneficiary HEIs. Upon approval selected equipment and devices will be installed and lab experiments will be conducted.
The Central Training Center to provide further need based education and to support the training of students and retraining of teachers and engineering specialists will be established at AndMI, Uzbekistan
The Mechatronics Society of Uzbekistan will be established using the best practices of EU. The Society promotes Mechatronics as an emerging engineering science in the country. The primary objective of the Society will be promoting research and engineering science in Uzbekistan.
4.1. Innovation laboratories (I-LAB) in Uzbekistan are established using the best practices of EU and will be equipped with specialized technologies utilized in EU HEIs for supporting the knowledge cycle: training-teaching-innovation. Training Centre is established for teaching teachers of special subjects and engineers to use the new laboratory equipment in Uzbekistan. This facility will provide teachers, researchers and specialists and promote Mechatronics as an emerging engineering science. The Mechatronics Society of Uzbekistan is established using the best practices of EU. The primary objective of the Mechatronics Society of Uzbekistan will be promoting research, development and engineering science in the field of Mechatronics in Uzbekistan and disseminate the results of project. Designing the structure of the mechatronics society. Developing the rules and regulations for administration and membership.
Expected Deliverable/Results/Outcomes: Report/Service/Laboratory/Center/Society
Lead Organisation: ViA in collaboration with AndMI
Duration: M16 - M47
Participating Organisation: All partners